
professional bituminous waterproofing membrane manufacturers

Xinle Hongtai Waterproof Machinery Factory,established in 1999, is a professional bituminous waterproofing membrane manufacturers


1.Excellent resistance to high temperature
2.High tensile strength and elongation
3.Resistance to root puncture , tear , corrosion and weathering
4.Easy to apply , long service life


1.The roofing of industrial and civil construction ,roof garden ,swimming pool , parking lot ,basement etc
2.Tunnel , bridge ,reservoir road and other underground building roof need greening
3.Especially used for the structure with frequent deformation and the building of hot area
bituminous waterproofing membrane manufacturers

Do not apply to very cold frosted surfaces. Trim the materials to the required length/shape allowing an overlap of at least 25 cm where the material is to be joined. On stepped flashing begin at the lowest level and work upwards. Warming the tape using gentle indirect heat will help the adhesion and make the tape more workable in cold temperatures. Ensure that there are no air pockets. Apply even pressure over the entire surface using a non-abrasive tool e.g. cloth or hand roller. Take care not to stretch or puncture the foil during application.

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